Thursday, February 9, 2012

I've asked before, I'll ask again, what are your favorite baby names and why?

I'm curious to the names people choose for their children, the meanings behind them ect..... I'm currently pregnant with baby boy #4 and looking for a name with meaning.I've asked before, I'll ask again, what are your favorite baby names and why?

Alexandra Christine (Sasha is the nickname I like, Lexi is what my boyfriend likes, so it was a nice compromise. Plus, we like the name.)

Cynthia Nicolae- I like Cindy, and Nicolae was just a name I heard, pronounced like the masculine Nicolai, and I felt it was a strong name for a girl, without being overtly masculine. I liked the idea of Nicky, but until a few months ago, I thought I wouldn't get to have a little boy named Nicolas (explained below), thus leaving me with the only chance of using it to be on a little girl.

Samantha Holly- Samantha again seems like a strong name for a girl to me, but originally this name was supposed to have Holly first, with or without Samantha. But, eventually, I've switched it. Originally, Evan made a lot of fun with Holly, because he felt it was too 'Christmassy" of a name, so there's a lot of memories with it.

Vanessa Raine- Vanessa started in my naming as a middle name for Holly, and that was only because of the chick in Harold %26amp; Kumar: Escape from... you get it. Anyway, I had good connotations with that name, and I though it was beautiful, so when I put Samantha as a first name, I had to move Vanessa around. Raine started as a middle name for Carla (originally, I wanted an Alexandra, Cynthia, Carla, and then Holly was added), but when I got rid of Carla, I dropped Raine. By the way, it's another name Evan made fun of, because I want to use it for the nature reason (Rain), as opposed to the queenly reason (Rayne). When I decided I liked the nickname Rainy/Rainey/Rainie, I figured I keep it.

Boys- These have more substantial meaning to me.

Shaun Kyle- Kyle was the first boy name I really liked, first one Evan ever heard from me, and, well there's a lot of reasons, but I've already said a lot; I'll keep this one down. Originally it was supposed to be Kyle Brent, Brent because of the lead singer of Shinedown who said something during his concerts that I'll never forget, because it shifted my whole mindset. See, I didn't eat for two years, and I was constantly hating myself. First concert Evan and I went to was this one, and I was really self-conscious all day, because I felt like I was fat (and I did have a pooch, but I was way more concerned than I should have been). But when Shinedown was on, one of the most important bands I wanted to see (except for Seether- so that's where I got the Shaun from, and why it has to be spelled like that), Brent was introducing a song, I think it was Better Version, and ranting, and his whole point, when he summed it up, was that everybody was beautiful and that shouldn't be taken away, and at that time, that meant more to me than anything. It changed my whole damn life, so it was pretty important to honor that. Problem was, I hate the name itself. So I had to switch it.

Eric Ramon- Ramon is Evan's middle name, Eric is Scandinavian, my heritage, so this name represents both of us.

Nicolas Daniel- Most important, Daniel was the name of my first friend who passed away when I was a freshman in high school. Friend is actually overstated, I was practically in love with this guy, and had this huge crush on him, but nothing was ever gonna happen there. Anyway, he died his senior year (my freshman) because of a brain tumor, and like I said, that was the first time I had to experience that. Funny thing was, me and Evan both hung out with him, and yet we didn't know each other, even after the funeral we didn't talk, although it turned out his mom drove me home that night (so I was in the same car with him.) Months later, that's how we saw each other again, because we started a class, and he didn't know anybody but me, so he wanted to sit with me. By the way, he annoyed me for 3 months before we started talking, and that was only because I was trying to screw up my life. It's backwards I know, and I'm so happy with the way it turned out, but I always think, if it hadn't of been for Daniel, would me and Ev had ended up together, and would life be like it is now, so I really wanted to find a way to honor him. Plus, it's a good story. I love telling it, I just never get the chance to, so thanks for asking. Nicolas- I love this name, like I said, I like Nicky and Nick as well, but figured Evan would never let me use it due to the fact that it's the name of one of our acquantices for lack of a better term, who is a huge druggie, and Evan didn't want that connotation with the kid. I didn't care. But he was already letting me have a Cindy and a Kyle, with which he had the same problem, so I figured I wouldn't get to use Nicolas, and hoped for at least Nathaniel Nicolas, except for we know a Nathan with the same druggie mentality, and I figured Evan would veto that too. I guess, over time he just stopped caring as much about that, because he really likes the name Nicolas Daniel now. Of course, he is fighting me on Cindy now. Sorry that was so damn long. I really wanted to fully explain the meanings behind them, because that's really importa
I'm pregnant with baby number one. We're not completely sure what gender the baby is yet, but the names we've chosen are:

Meghan Elizabeth (Meghan for a childhood friend who died, and Elizabeth for my favorite aunt.)

Jackson David for a boy. I preferred Noah Matthew, but my boyfriend doesn't like it at all. I'm not religious, but Noah strikes me as a strong name of a man who is good to his fellow mankind as well as animals. Matthew just flows with Noah.

We agreed on Jackson David because it still sounds strong and it's a name a little boy can grow up with and be a serious adult with.I've asked before, I'll ask again, what are your favorite baby names and why?

Lilly Sarah - My daughter will be called this.. Lilly is a beautiful name in my opinion, and Sarah is a variation of my mother's name.

Isobel Grace - Again, I think Isobel is a gorgeous name, and Grace would be after my deceased grandmother.

They are my top two girl's names :)


Benjamin Thomas - If my sister had been a boy she would have been given this name, i've liked it since I was 7.

Daniel James - James after my father.

I love names with special meanings to them :) makes the name more personal to your child in my opinion. Good luck naming your baby boy :)
I won't be having kids for a while (I'm 13, lol), but I really want my future kids to be named...

Scarlett Lorraine (love the name Scarlett, and Lorraine was my great-grandmother as well as my middle name)

Emma Scarlett(i just like the names and i think it flows well together)

Katherine Tamera (Katherine is my little sister, and Tamera was a family friend who died about 8 years ago).

James Nicholas (just like the names)

Neill Alexander (Neill is my father, and I just like the name Alexander)

Nickolai Samuel (just like the names)
Here's my baby list. The meanings that follow each are just the meanings of the first names.

Aria Jade- "Beautiful Melody"

Ellia Rae- "Jehovah/My God is Lord"

Taelah Rose- I don't know the meaning of Taelah :(

Jarrett Kalell- "Strength of a spear"

Jarek Kai- Jarek means born in January lol

Favorite Girl: Julia Grace- Julia is my grandma's middle name and Grace is the name of a sweet little girl I helped care for when she was in the hospital who died a few months later.

Favorite Boy: Aidan Joshua- Aidan, I don't know, I love the name and Joshua after my husband.
Roy is my son's name, we chose it because it's short (what we wanted) and has a beautiful meaning : king or royal.

i also like the name "danny" ( my uncles name )

for girls i like the name "yara" (butterfly) and "Clara" (clear)
Angel Grace and Chance Gerard or Chance Grayson. Lilly Marie is a fave too.

Angel- my nickname

Grace- my bfs sisters nickname

Chance- bf likes the name

Gerard- family midde name

Grayson- random, starts with a G like Gerard
Bella Grace for a girl, it means beautiful blessing.

Emmett James for a boy, its really nice! :)

Good luck to you and your family!
Myron Is my sons middle name its been in my family for decades. Everyone likes it because its an old name.
choose something that will sound strong as an adult. I hate cutesey names that make adult men sound so femenine....

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