Monday, February 6, 2012

Do you pick baby names by how they sound or by the meaning?

and what do you think of my names and thier meanings?

Sophia Noelle (wise christmas)

Stefan Mason (crowned brickmaker)

Jade Eri (precious stone my protector/ awakened one)

Jasper Kyo (precious stone village)Do you pick baby names by how they sound or by the meaning?
I choose them by sound, and will usually check the meaning just in case.

I like Sophia Noelle and Jasper Kyo :)
sound, hardly anyone knows the meanings
i love sophia noelle
sophia madeleine/madison/estelle/nicole/daniell鈥?are nice tooDo you pick baby names by how they sound or by the meaning?
I choose according to the meaning. Meanings can impart positive qualities to one's personality if the child grows up to appreciate their name. My middle name is Joyce, based on the word "joy". I love that name; it just makes me happy thinking about it :) Whenever I think about my name, which is everyday basically, then I I feel happy ;)

Also, if the name has a strange meaning, then the child could be embarrassed later in life when they explain the meaning of their name to someone. Stefan Mason sounds great, but the meaning is a bit funny :) But, like I said, it certainly does sound great :)

At any rate, not everyone asks the meaning of someone's name...I'm one of those persons who does actually ask/inquire, lol :)

By the way, Kyo is a beautiful name. I like the uniqueness of it It's not kind of people to say it's "ugly" simply because they personally don't care for the name. Different names have beauty in different cultures; people should be sensitive to that. :)Do you pick baby names by how they sound or by the meaning?
how they sound
I go by how.they sound, not the meaning. I like all of them except Jasper Kyo. Kyo is hideous sry
i pick names by how they sound

Sophia Noelle: pretty and great meaning! 9/10

Stefan Mason: i don't like this one that much 2/10

Jade Eri: I don't like Eri that much but i like the meanings 6/10

Jasper Kyo: I don't like Kyo at all and i don't like the meaning 3/10
I choose them by the sound, and i do like all of those names! Very nice names! :)

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