Friday, January 27, 2012

Which baby names have the worst meanings?

Here are a couple to get started:

*Trinity: 3 (unless you're a triplet ;-)

*Barbara- StrangerWhich baby names have the worst meanings?
Agrippa:meaning sick or painful

Andromache:meaning she who fights against men

Calvin:meaning little bald one

Cameron:meaning crooked nose

Campbell:meaning crooked mouth

Cassandra:meaning entangler of men

Claud(e):meaning crippled

Deidre:possibly meaning brokenhearted

Desdemona:meaning ill fated

Electra:has come to be assosiated with Freud's Electra comlex

Emily:meaning rival

Emlyn:meaning rival

Jezebel:meaning domination

Job:meaning persecuted

Jocasta:possibly meaning woe sdorned

Kennedy:meaning ugly head

Mara:meaning bitter

Melville:meaning bad town

Patsy:means homosexual in australia

Persephone:means bearer of death
I like Trinity, it's symbolic of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit if you're a Christian........

worst name I think:

Amaia--means the end

Forgot Dolores---means pains in SpanishWhich baby names have the worst meanings?
Kennedy---deformed head

Cameron---crooked nose

Agrippa:meaning sick or painful

Campbell:meaning crooked mouth

Cassandra:meaning entangler of men

Claud(e):meaning crippled

Desdemona:meaning ill fated

Jezebel:meaning domination

Job:meaning persecuted

Jocasta:possibly meaning woe sdorned

Mara:meaning bitter

Persephone:means bearer of death

Butch: name referenced to Lesbians

Dick:vulgar reference to the male genitalsWhich baby names have the worst meanings?
FYI - Brendan means Prince, not stinking hair.

Mallory - unlucky

Cameron - crooked nose

Desdemona - wretchedness

Brutus - dull,stupid

Cade - round, lumpish; cask

Sheila/Cecilia/Cecil/Dallan - Blind

Deirdre - broken-hearted, sorrowful

Claudia - lame
i looked up:

Claudia- lame

Nevio-mole [hahah]

can't find more!!
Olivia- means elf's army.

Melanie- means black

Carla- for girl it means man

hahaha for "mommy to be" that's so funny I didn't know Claudia means Disabled! And there's 10000 that I know!
Brendan means "stinking hair".
"Mara" means bitter in Hebrew

"Melena" is a medical term for dark bloody stool
Lefu - African origin meaning Death; sickness
Claudia - blind
Shithead prounounced (shi thay ad) people really do this to there sons horrible right?
Doesn't the name Mary mean "bitter"??

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